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Great Concepts are convincing.

Good Design sells.

Modern technologies are exciting.


The strategic cooperation and the constant exchange with our clients is an integral part of our work.

Small and medium sized companies, organisations and cultural institutions are our clients.

What we do

  • Art Direction
  • Picture conception
  • Identity
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Web, Screen

Art Direction & Picture conception Visual storytelling, Management and Supervision of Photographic Realization.

Identity Corporate Identity and Design, Brand and Strategy, Guidelines and systematic implementation.

Graphic Design Publication, Printed Matters, Features and ongoing supervision, Layouts and Production.

Illustration Sketches, Storyboard and Fine Arts.

Photography Portrait, Editorial and Fine Arts.

Web, Screen Conception and development of Websites in collaboration with our partner for webdeveloping.

How we work

  1. Understand definition and context
  2. Define the target group, get to know and evaluate them
  3. Verify and refine results
  4. Elaborate the fitting Story
  5. Work out the concept
  6. Develop the new Design
  7. Rollout

We organize your project, get into the key message and find effective and targeted solutions. We create simple and understandable structures, reduce complexity to the essential with creative ideas, facts and emotions that will promote your company’s products or services.


Rui Fidalgo, Diretor Comunicação

Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões, PORTUGAL
Soluções Práticas e ao mesmo Criativas e Inovadoras não são uma meta fácil de conseguir e esse é o maior elogio que podemos fazer. Se aliarmos o cumprimento rigoroso dos prazos e a flexibilidade na discussão da temática chegamos à BESIGN com a qual temos tido o prazer de trabalhar.

Thomas Stähli, Verlagsleiter / CEO

Etzel-Verlag AG, Cham, SWITZERLAND
Barbara Lehmann arbeitet seit 2001 als Grafikerin für die Zeitschrift RAUM UND WOHNEN. Sie und ihre Firma BESIGN sind kompetente Partner bei der Gestaltung unseres monatlich erscheinenden Magazins für Architektur, Wohnen und Design. Ihre Kreativität und zuverlässige Arbeitsweise tragen mit zum Erfolg unserer angesehenen Publikation bei.

Sandra Kuna, Bildungskooperation DE

Goethe-Institut BRÜSSEL
Zuverlässig, kundenorientiert, flexibel und ein hervorragendes After-Sales-Management! Wir sind uns sicher, dass unsere Deutschlehrende und -lernende viel Freude mit den von BESIGN gestalteten Werbematerialien haben werden und diese auf vielfältige Weise zum Einsatz kommen.

Gustavo Cudell / CEO

“With wits BESIGN connects their creativity to our business reality. Always surprises us with their solutions presenting innovative and coherent design concepts. “
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